Welcome to the School of Prophets, where those with the prophetic call develop an in-depth understanding of the prophetic and sharpen their prophetic gift for ministry. The School of Prophets is a 7 to 9 month accelerated program designed to equip those in the prophetic for an effective ministry.
Prophets and Prophetesses carry a unique unction and are tasked with the burden of God's heart and his will concerning mankind. Therefore it is necessary that those called are properly trained to walk in humility and integrity.
The prophetic is such a dynamic ministry that is characterized by the supernatural power of God. As God's mouthpiece, prophets are a voice in the earth in both the church and the world at large. The DCIBIN focuses on developing prophetic voices around the world, as we do our part to present the bride of Christ at the 2nd coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
SOP Admissions Catalog